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Q&A #1 - Rogata ac responsa

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The Official Quiritibus

Oops, I realised I never actually made a Patreon post about the Quiritibus launch. Apologies for that! We made it, the magazine is alive and well, if a bit slow content-wise.Be sure to check it out and give feedback! There is definitely room for improvement and I'm...

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About Sinbad

You might be wondering about the five-part series I posted some time ago. It is a translation of Krúdy Gyula's (or Gyula Krúdy's for non-Hungarians and non-Japanese) short story, the fifth in a series of short stories about this character called Sinbad (Szindbád),...

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Sinbad nauta – Iter apud mortem – Pars V

Sinbad nauta – Iter apud mortem – Pars V

Taciti diluculo hiemali ambulabant. Viae niue tectae sunt, raedaeque cum lanternis hebetibus praeteribant. Stationis Orientalis²⁰ horologium languide de specula lucebat, umbrae obscurae in foro niue illustrato praeteruolabant, puellulaque fortiter tenebat Sinbad...

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Sinbad nauta – Iter apud mortem – Pars V

Sinbad nauta – Iter apud mortem – Pars IV

Symphonia canebat, sigarorumque¹³ fumus ueluti nubes uolitabat circum lanternas. Feminae—hic plerumque impudicae, nocturnae conueniebant—festiua laetitia tollebant manibus caltulas, candidosque calceos tenuis puluis operuit. Crinalibus in saltatione solutis pili,...

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András Alkor

András Alkor

My name is András Alkor, I’m a Hungarian author, an English teacher, and a Latin enthusiast. You stumbled upon my personal site, which is a mess right now, nevertheless you will find some interesting suff, including links to all the platforms I’m active on, and my email list.

Twitter feed is not available at the moment.